Medical tourism is the movement of patients, looking for adequate care, outside their country of residence.

This process involved the entire supply chain of services that includes hospital facilities, staff quality, cultural offer, medical research, catering, transport and the entire regulatory part, such as rules on accessibility to care, tax regulations, visas and privacy.

The causes that drive patients to move to other countries, are, mainly:

-the search for better care than those proposed by the state to which

-The too high cost of care in your own country

– Treatment not available on site

-Quality not up to expectations

– high waiting times

But what are the most requested treatments?

The most successful treatments in Italy are:

check-up and second opinion

cardiology and cardiac surgery

pediatric oncology

orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation

thermal prevention and rehabilitation treatments

More and more requests in recent months are the cures for the rise of the immune system, follow us to find out how and where

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